Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hello World!

Hey all,

I've started this blog as a way to document some of my development projects. With my posts I hope to cover various development topics and issues. The first project I'll be documenting will be my attempt to create a calendar/organizer web app. I'll be using Google's language go for the backend as I'm using this project as an excuse to learn go. The front end will be a combination of HTML5 and JavaScript with jquery and I may possibly look into CoffeScript as well. I'm currently going through the Google go documentation and hope to have a post up soon going over the finer points of the language and what I think about it.

A little bit more overview on the app itself. It's going to be a basic calendar / organizer app, it should have a monthly calendar displayed, when a date is clicked on a popup appears giving you the options to create/edit an event for the date or create/edit the to-do list for the day. That's the basic overview, I may add things such as a contact list and calculator function as time goes on. Integration with Facebook and Twitter may also be implemented.

That's it for now.