Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Quick Links - April 17 2013 C# Intro

Hey All,

Two quick links for the day both from the same author.

The posts serve as an introduction to C# for experienced developers of other languages such as C or Java .  Good stuff in here and can be used as a simple C# reference as well.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Coffeemarklet - A Neat Little Web App for Developing Bookmarklets in Coffeescript

Coffeemarklet - A Neat Little Web App for Developing Bookmarklets in Coffeescript

Here's a neat little web app for developing bookmarklets in Coffeescript.  It's not really a fully featured development environment or anything but it does the job.

Just enter some CoffeeScript into the text box, click Generate Bookmarklet and your done.  Has an option to include jQuery as well which is a convenient feature.

I've been looking to add bookmarklets as part of a couple of projects so this was a really good find for me.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quick Links - April 10 2013 Coffeescript and Backbone.js

Hey figured I better put a post up since I've been slacking lately.  Here's a couple of interesting finds:

The first post is a discussion on using Mixins with Coffeescript as well as a couple of example implementations.
The second is a presentation on Coffeescript vs Typescript highlighting some of the differences and similarties, pros v cons, etc.  I added this as I hope to begin using TypeScript on some pet projects and plan on doing a post on it soon.
The third are some backbone tutorials, mostly simple stuff but some interesting none the less, looking to up the Backbone.js content on here so I figured this would be a good start.

Have a post coming on using Backbone.js sync soon, showing how to interact with RESTful web service from Backbone.
