Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quick Links - May 30 2013 - Static Site Generator in node.js and CoffeeScript

Hey All,

Just a couple of quick links today, the first is a static site generator in CoffeeScript running on node.js and the second is a bit of an introduction to static site generators.  Perhaps these links should be presented in the opposite order but no, I'm just crazy like that.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quick Links - May 16 2013 Interesting JavaScript Trick

Hey All,

Just one quick link for the day but it's a neat one.  Didn't realize this was possible in JavaScript.  The title doesn't really describe the article, basically it's a way to convert a comment to code:

Cool stuff indeed.  Hoping to get a few more posts up in the next little bit, working on a side project right now that is taking up most of my time but with a long weekend coming up maybe some time will free itself up.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Backbone.js Single Page Application Template for .NET MVC4

Hey All, is hosting a Single Page Application(SPA) Template for Backbone.js.  As a .NET developer and a fan of Backbone.js this looks to be a great resource.  Haven't had a chance to try it out myself yet on anything, hoping maybe this weekend to do a small app with it.

As a note, it uses TypeScript files for it's client side code.  TypeScript is a bit like CoffeeScript in that it compiles down to JavaScript but unlike CoffeeScript which comes with it's own syntax, TypeScript is more of a super set of JavaScript.  I'll likely do a little overview of TypeScript soon to show what it's all about.

Here is the template code of github.
